Fanny Carinasdotter


Own production:

En plats försvinnande

Publicerat av: Norrakollektivet 2020, med stöd från Konstnärsnämnden, Längmanska kulturfonden, Norrbottens museum och Kulturrådet. Boken kan beställas genom att maila: norrakollektivet[a]

Vi befinner oss utanför Sveriges största koppardagbrott, Aitik. Sedan 2016 ses vi varje sommar i Katarinas och Lars Åkes lilla stuga ovanför Sakajärvi sjö och byaväg. Härifrån följer vi gruvans expansion och de omkringliggande byarnas avveckling. 

Med platsen som utgångspunkt försöker vi förstå landskapets oändliga skönhet och industrins enorma storlek. Är det ljudet, dammet eller staketet runt slamdammen som utgör gränsen mellan naturen och gruvan? 


En plats försvinnande vill vara en dokumentation över själva försvinnandet. Ett försök att förstå och fånga den rörelse som själva försvinnandet innebär för människorna, för naturen, för träden, stigarna och djuren. För sjön som snart ska tömmas på sitt vatten och för hästhagarna som rivits bort.

A Place Disappearing

Published by: Norrakollektivet 2020, with support from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Längmanska kulturfonden Norrbottens museum and Swedish Art Council.
The photo book can be ordered at: norrakollektivet[a]

We are outside Aitik, Sweden’s biggest open-pit copper mine. Since 2016 we have been meeting every summer in Katarina and Lars Åke’s little cottage above Lake Sakajärvi and the village road. From here we follow the expansion of the mine and the dismantling of the surrounding villages. 

With this spot as our base we try to grasp the eternal beauty of the landscape and the immensity of the industry. Is it the sound, the dust or the fence around the slurry pond that marks the boundary between nature and the mine? 


A Place Disappearance aims to be documentation of the very disappearance – and to understand and capture the movement that disappearance means to people, to nature, to the trees, the paths and the animals; to the lake that will soon be emptied of its water, and to the meadows soon to be wiped out.

Participation in publications:

Kiruna Forever
Publish by: ArkDes, Arkitektur Förlag, 2020.
The book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Kiruna Forever.
(Participation in collaboration with Anja Örn & Tomas Örn). 

In & Beyond Sweden: Journeys Through an Art Scene
Publish by: Konstnärsnämnden/Iaspis, Moderna museet & Art and Theory Publishing, 2018. The book was published on the occasion of The Moderna exhibition 2018 – With the Future Behind us.
(Participation in collaboration with Anja Örn & Tomas Örn). 

Rivers of Emotion, Bodies of Ore
Published by: Kunsthall Trondheim & Not Yet Titled Press, 2018. The book was published on the occasion of the group exhibition Rivers of Emotion, Body of Ore, curated by Lisa Rosendal.
(Participation in collaboration with Anja Örn & Tomas Örn). 

Verkligheten and Frankenstein
Published by: Verkligheten, with support from: Längmanska kulturfonden, 2018. The book was published on the occasion of the three exhibitions where the members in Verkligheten took inspiration from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.

It’s About Time
Published by: Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University, 2009. The book was published on the occasion of the group exhibition It’s about Time curated by Sofia Curman.

Published by: Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009. The book was published on the occasion of the group exhibition What is Identity? and the end of a six year long, Sida funded, exchange between the Academy of Fine Arts in Hanoi and Umeå.

Ilja’s feministic image calendar
Published by: Ilja och Normal Publishing, 2006.

Published by The magazine association: The poet’s complaint is rarely without reason in Luleå, 2005.